Maja Starova majastarova@yahoo.com
40 years-life and work of the “Jan Amos Komenski” elementary school
These days we celebrate 40 years of the existence of the “Jan Amos Komenski” elementary school. This school was a donation from the Czechoslovakia, from the people of Czechoslovakia and its government, after one of the biggest earthquakes in the history of Skopje, and it was given the name by one of the greatest Czech and world pedagogue and philosopher, Jan Amos Komenski. The Czech Jan Amos Komenski (1592-1670) was a pedagogue, a humanist, an author and a cleric. He was an advocate of peace and international understanding and considered education to be the main way to obtain these objectives. On the 27th April, 1964, this school opened the doors for its students, and the celebration was attended by the most important people for Skopje, as well as the Czechoslovakian ambassador in Belgrade, Antonik Krouzil. There were 442 students during the first school year, with 22 classes, and 42 employees. The first principal of the school was Spase Todorovski, who was a principal until 1970. After him, it was Atanas Badev, who was a principal from 1970-1981, and Vlado Sharkovski was the principal from 1981-1999. For more than 40 years this school has been working with success, educating the young generations, giving them evident part in their further life and education, including them in all parts of the social life. It is especially being taken care for the innovations in the educational process. Categories such as the active teaching and learning, cooperative learning, interactive teaching and learning are the basic parameters in the teaching process. Therefore, the necessity of the project “Active teaching-interactive learning” was inevitable in the teaching process, and it started to fully operate at our school in 1996. During the 40 years of its work, our school has cooperated with many other schools from our country and abroad, such as the schools: “Uchitelj Tasa” from Nish, Serbia, “Bratstvo Edinstvo” from Zagreb, Croatia, “Jan Amos Komenski” from Kulpin, Vojvodina, “Dedo Iljo Malesevski” from Berovo, Macedonia, “Zakladni devetileta skola” from Prague, Poland. Our school cooperates closely for more than 20 years with the “Stanislav Sremchevich” elementary school from Kragujevac, Serbia. The twop schools visit each other especially during the patron’s day of the both school when students from the both schools have sports events, poetry readings, folk dances and teachers exchange experiences between them about the educational process at their schools and exchange their ideas about the education in general. We have to mention that our school cooperates with many important institutions in the country. It is in constant contact with the Ministry of Education, as well as with the Bureau for development of the education , which cooperation goes through all the projects and innovations which this Bureau makes for the elementary schools. There is a great cooperation with the local community. We are very thankful for all the things that the local community has done for the school. In 2003 our school basketball team won the 1st place on the tournament between schools which has been organized by the local community. A valuable certificate of the school’s work are many diplomas, certificates, prizes that the school and the students have won. But, we must say that during the last years, our school faces big difficulties, which come out of the very, very old construction of the school. The conditions for work are relatively satisfying, but the expenses are way beyond the school possibilities and exceed all our abilities to take good care for the school and repair all the things that need to be, so as we can create a better working environment. We truly hope that the next patron’s days are going to be celebrated in a new school. Celebrating our patron’s day and the 40 years of the school existence, we would like to thank to all of those who have directly or indirectly helped in our achievements. School principal, Maja Starova